The discursive construction of archival science: Conceptual foundations


  • Thiago Henrique Bragato Barros Brazil



This work outlines a theoretical background established in Archival Science based mainly on discourse analysis as a key discipline to understand which the differences are and points of conceptual commonality in the area. Uses the French Discourse Analysis as a principle with a theoretical and methodological framework to typify the archive as a discursive practice defined by their historical aspects of its institutional junctures. The study of discourse helps to understand how certain linguistic formations construct the discourse, concerned mainly with the context in which the text was produced. This analysis take place from manuals and treatises of Archival Science produced during the development of discipline and regarded as grounds for discipline. We analyzed the Manual of an Archival Arrangement and Description (vor Handleiding van het ordenen in bescheijven archieven) of Muller, Feith, and Fruin (Ed.1 1898). Another work considered is the Manual of Archive Administration Including the Problems of War Archives and Archive a Making (1 Ed. 1922) and some of late works of Sir Hillary Jenkinson and finally analyzed the work of Theodore R. Schellenberg some aspects of his vast bibliography. With this analyzes we established a radiography of the Archival Science basis.


