The Semantic Classification in the Temporal Theory of Psychoanalysis


  • Antal F. Borbely New York, New York



Many aspects of classification have been researched but the laws underlying changing classifications need to be focussed on. Psychoanalysis is a science dealing with the changing classifications within the individual. Aided by its theory, evolving over the last hundred years, psychoanalysis undertakes to provide actual scientific guidance in a person's changing his or her classifications or priorities in life. Such changes regularly occur in a psychoanalysis where, in the analytic setting, an analyst and an analysand form a unique relationship, usually lasting several years, for the purpose of analyzing the analysand's life. The analysand discovers his or her unique epistemologic categories as they developed based on a unique personal history. These epistemologic categories reflect both biographic achievements as well as constraints and, usually for the first time, become accessible for both understanding and change. While understanding and change can and does, to some extent, occur outside psychoanalysis, the psychoanalytic setting provides a unique opportunity to exclusively and systematically focus on such understanding and change.


