KO and classification instruction objectives: Are we keeping up with the transformation of our field?


  • Michèle Hudon EBSI, Université de Montréal
  • Laure Amélie Guitard EBSI, Université de Montréal




Each objective listed in courses entirely or partially dedicated to knowledgeorganization (KO) and bibliographic classification in 30 distinct LIS programs was categorized as to: 1. its nature; 2. its subject; 3. its focus; 4. its taxonomic level. The results tend to reinforce observations made over the past 30 years in relation to KO and classification courses. Teaching and learning objectives tend to bevery general, with a clearly dominant theoretical focus. Few objectives focus specifically on the complex process of analyzing subjects, and on new types of skills now required to work with classification structures available in digital form. And even if KO educators recognize the necessity for students to develop high-level analytic and evaluative skills, there are very few references to those skills in current course objectives.

Author Biographies

Michèle Hudon, EBSI, Université de Montréal

Laure Amélie Guitard, EBSI, Université de Montréal


